iPhone 16 updates to iOS 18 and becomes slow and battery-draining? Disable one feature to instantly improve performance.

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iPhone 16 updates to iOS 18 and becomes slow and battery draining? Disable one feature to instantly improve performance.


If you've noticed your iPhone 16 slowing down after updating to iOS 18, you're not alone. A lot of users have reported similar issues. The good news is that there's an easy fix! By tweaking a simple setting, you can significantly improve your iPhone's performance.

Reasons Why iPhone Slows Down and Drains Battery After Updating to iOS 18

A Twitter user named @heikayuuji reported that his iPhone 16 has experienced performance issues and increased battery drain after updating to iOS 18. He suspects that the phone is rebuilding the photo index, which is a common cause of slowdowns after major iOS updates.

What is "Visual Look Up" on iPhone

Imagine your iPhone's photo library is a big book. When you update to iOS 18, it's like creating a new index for that book. This process can take some time and can slow down your phone. This feature, called "Enhanced Visual Look Up", helps you find specific photos more easily, but it can also cause some temporary slowdowns.

Solutions to Fix iPhone Slowdown and Battery Drain Issues After Updating to iOS 18
If you're experiencing slow performance and battery drain on your iPhone, try disabling "Enhanced Visual Search". According to @heikayuuji, this feature can sometimes slow down your device. To turn it off, go to Settings > Apps > Photos and toggle the switch off.
After turning off "Visual Look Up", I noticed a noticeable performance improvement. While this feature is great for identifying places in your photos, it might not be necessary for everyone. If you rely heavily on your iPhone for photo storage, you might want to weigh the pros and cons. For those looking to free up some space, check out our article on "iPhone backup made easy!”.
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