What is iPhone Voice Isolation? A Complete Setup Guide

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While most iPhones come equipped with noise-canceling microphones to ensure clear audio even in noisy environments, this feature isn't perfect and can't completely block out all background noise.

That's why iPhone has a built-in "Voice Isolation" feature to help filter out distracting background noise, making your voice clearer to the person on the other end. Let's dive into how to set up and use this handy feature!

iphone voice isolation

How to Set Up and Use Voice Isolation on iPhone

How to Set Up and Use Voice Isolation on iPhone,using Voice Isolation on your iPhone is a breeze! Whether you're making a regular phone call, a LINE call, a Messenger call, or using any other communication app, simply follow these steps:

  1. Make a call: Ensure you're already in a call.
  2. Open Control Center: Swipe down from the top-right corner of your screen to open Control Center.
  3. Select Voice Isolation: Tap on the "Microphone" icon and choose "Voice Isolation".
That's it! Your iPhone will now automatically filter out background noise, making your voice crystal clear.

iOS Version To pay Attension

  • To use Voice Isolation during FaceTime audio or video calls, you'll need iOS 15 or later.
  • For regular phone calls, iOS 16.4 or later is required.
Voice Isolation is a fantastic feature that can significantly improve your call quality, especially in noisy environments. By following these simple steps, you can easily enable this feature and enjoy clearer conversations on your iPhone.
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